Product Infromation

O2 Capsule

O2 Capsule safe and reliable, this is a fully automated chamber.

Compared to traditional soft-type oxygen chamber equipment, the comfortable size of the home oxygen therapy systems significantly increases safety and durability.


Since the O2 Capsule is fully automated, it does not require an operator.


You can bring the control unit inside the O2 Capsule, so even a single person can use the O2 Capsule.



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Attentive Design


The O2 Capsule can be placed in low-ceiling spaces, allowing for effective utilization of dead space.


Although the O2 Capsule appears quite compact on the outside, it actually has large interior space, allowing a person to lie down inside comfortably, making it suitable for individual use.




Fully Automated


After setting the timer and pressure levels, the O2 Capsule can operate fully automatically to increase the atmospheric pressure inside and maintain the high-pressure state, with the pressure reduction also being fully automated. Therefore, even one person can comfortably and safely use the system.


A truly personal resting space.

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About Soft Capsule


We also have a manual version of the O2 Capsule, which is called the Soft Capsule.



The O2 Soft Capsule is normally used when the user needs to go out, such as for athletes competing in events, or for business travelers going on trips. We also recommend the O2 Soft Capsule when there are weight restrictions that make it impractical to transport the O2 Capsule. 


Please contact us for more information.




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